Sports Science
Encouraging STEAM development through the lens of sports gameplay.

Train like a pro! Engage Learning partners with Devon Energy and Learfield to provide sports science clinics with your favorite college athletes.
Trajectory adjective
1. The path of a projectile in motion.
2. The path taken by a football after a perfect pass.
For such a pass, the player must take into account the angle of the throw, the speed of the runners, and the distance it needs to travel — all concepts made real for participants over the course of the clinic.

Support Sports Science
A softball pitcher winds up for a throw, generating and storing potential energy. As they release the ball, that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy — the energy of things in motion.
Registration Required
Spend a half-day exploring applied STEM concepts with student athletes at various college campuses.
Game Day Activation
Free to Attend
Sponsored by Devon and held before OU, OSU, and Tulsa home game events. Stop on by and experience STEM in action!
Community Event
See Calendar
The Devon SportsLab experience visits communities across Oklahoma.